View and verify every claim instantly with hyperlinked citations and fact-checking tools.
Find, extract, and assemble key facts instantly from massive document sets.
Search, fact-check, and analyze arguments as testimony unfolds.
The way Clearbrief operates aligns really neatly with how I think through my cases and how I prepare my motions. The flow is very user-friendly. I love adding charts to my briefs and table builder is proving to be very helpful! I am very happy with how I can navigate this massive appellate record.
I am also able to use the add fact-cite tool in place of my old method — laboriously looking through the record for points I thought were in it. Great time saver and insurance that what I say is in the record is in the record.
The State Bar of Nevada's AI Work Group has just completed its groundbreaking evaluation of some of today's hottest legal AI tools, and the results might surprise you. Clearbrief topped the commission's rankings with an impressive score of 40.5/50, while popular tools like vLex/Fastcase, [Luminance], ChatGPT, and Claude Pro revealed both powerful capabilities and critical limitations every attorney should understand before using them.
Don't get left behind while your colleagues leverage these game-changing technologies. Our panel—composed of Nevada lawyers with varying AI experience—has done the hard work for you, evaluating each tool specifically for solo and small practice needs.
…Clearbrief's robust suite of capabilities promise immense time savings to assist lawyers in brief drafting and related activities. Even during the course of this review, Clearbrief has continuously innovated with the pace of AI to roll out new feature launches and improve existing core competencies.
As someone who spent the better part of the last two years piloting genAI and running trials on almost all the VALs benchmarking contenders (CoCounsel, Harvey, Vincent, and Lexis+), and a buyer of several of these solutions (they continue to improve and the results are generally in line with my findings), however, what Clearbrief has accomplished stands alone. Why? Simply this- when design prioritizes extractive capabilities and requires lawyers to verify and validate outputs in realtime as Clearbrief has done— you ultimately reinforce good judgment and responsible AI usage habits while leveraging the benefits of LLMs and SLMs.
Shoutout to Clearbrief, who helped us not only win a trial of a recent verdict for $14.8M, but allowed us to screen it because we came in one week before trial on a product liability theory case, over 20 depositions, thousands of pages of records, and we dropped it into Clearbrief's AI, and were able to quickly delineate, hyperlink all these things that let us know - one: can we win this case, can we meet our burden of proof? Is it a case we would like to invest in and go up and try? So, we liked what we saw, we used the AI...after 4 weeks, we got the big verdict. I want to thank Clearbrief for an effective use case of AI.
[I]nstead of writing a timeline and narrative from scratch, volunteer attorneys are leveraging the law-focused AI tool Clearbrief to create a first draft of these vital documents based on client records. They then refine the timeline and narrative, which NVLSP attorneys use to assess next steps in the discharge upgrade process.
NVLSP and Microsoft anticipate that by streamlining time-intensive and repetitive steps, this technology enablement project will empower volunteers to help more discharge upgrade applicants, provide NVLSP attorneys with needed documents more quickly, and work through backlogs of veterans who need and deserve life-changing benefits.
I am a solo civil rights lawyer, and I am reaching out to the Clearbrief team with a big thank you. I used Clearbrief's hyperlinked briefing and timeline tools for one of my trials where border patrol falsely imprisoned a 9-year-old U.S. citizen, and Clearbrief was instrumental in helping me win a 1.5M victory for my clients.
I used Clearbrief's instant hyperlinked timeline to distill years of complex case facts into a clear presentation for a bench trial. The robust security gave me confidence to upload confidential client documents, and the timeline itself was exceptional. It ensured I hadn't overlooked anything, even after being immersed in the case details for years.
Clearbrief's ability to hyperlink citations in my trial brief also played a pivotal role in the damages award and the incredible outcome for my clients. The hyperlinks ensured that the judge clearly became deeply familiar with the facts of a specific case I wanted him to see that would have otherwise been too long to attach.
I just created a medical timeline with Clearbrief and I will definitely use this. The issue with other AI tools is they would duplicate information due to how the medical records are structured. I did not see much duplication — if any — with Clearbrief.
Associate, AmLaw 50 firm
Clearbrief's cite check and cite formatting tools are great. For example, most of my cases are in the state courts and my staff is used to formatting cites with the California style manual. When we recently had to file a federal brief with citations per the Bluebook, Clearbrief made it very easy to convert the cites automatically to the correct format.
Clearbrief is also very helpful when I'm reviewing an opponent's brief. I can hyperlink all their citations, making it easier to see if they accurately represent the caselaw.
The amount of time that Clearbrief saves me is unbelievable. I write the facts without any citations or source documents and then I launch Clearbrief and use the Analyze feature to pull in all the citations. Clearbrief automatically found the related text in my source documents. That saved me 4-5 hours of writing time.
One simple price. Even if you only use one of Clearbrief's core features, you'll get the ROI.
Our platform includes our industry-leading 1:1 training — we handle getting your team upskilled in the use of responsible AI.